Fellows and Associates

Dr. Natalie Briscoe

Natalie Briscoe – researchNatalie Briscoe is a research fellow in the Quantitative and Applied Ecology Group in the School of BioSciences at the University of Melbourne. Her work focuses on how climate and habitat features interact with species traits to influence where they can live. She is particularly interested in understanding how the behaviour, morphology and physiology of animals influences their sensitivity to climate, and methods for making more robust predictions of how species are likely to be influenced by future climate change.

Dr. Kris Wild


Kris is an expert in reptile ecology and evolution and is working with us on an ARC DP grant linking life history and biophysical ecology. He is working on general ways to collate and link functional trait data to mechanistic niche models. His work with us includes a collaboration with Ray Huey on the extensive historical desert lizard database of the late Eric Pianka. He is also collaborating with the AusTraits group on the functional trait database work.


Dr. Marko JusupMarko Jusup

Marko is based at the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency. He works with us on metabolic theory, especially Dynamic Energy Budget theory. He’s trained in physics and biology with expertise in fisheries and broad interests in many biological topics including network theory.